Social Stratification Examples: In real life, movies & across the world

Social Stratification Examples: In real life, movies & across the world
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Social stratification is the wall of society into levels. People stacked that one on top of the other. Class system is the ranks of people of a community into separate classes, castes based on habits. These are such as income, wealth, rank, vocation, or even race. SOC adopted the concept of this topic from the discipline of GEOG. This is the study of different levels of the earth. In GEOG, all layers of the Earth are the same. But in SOC, we can see rights and benefits are not equal across social layers.

Social Stratification

To begin with, understand the term of this topic, which refers to layers. So, the class system refers to the layers that exist in our society. Any group has many layers based on race, caste, class, gender, and religion. The multiple classes that exist in any society are an example of a class system. These are upper class, middle class, and lower class. In this article, we are talking about this topic. So, keep reading to know more about it.

Social Stratification Examples in America

In the US, people are not issued a fair chance. People do not have equal access to resources, such as the top schools or neighborhoods. Also, everyone’s life prospects are not equal. A class system splits a society into some layers.

People who live in the same stratum belong to the same social class. Class refers to a person’s money, study level and level of power. In the US, there are three classes: working class, middle class, and upper class. People from the same class have relative access to money, study level and power.

Those in the same SES class, have a relative work category and income level. Here’s a fact about this topic. So, you need to think about a sedimentary rock. You know those rocks with varied color layers? It looks like someone poured slightly different-colored layers on top of each other? That is how this topic works.

In the US, SM between layers is very difficult. Higher ones are  popular as “UM”.In other words, you will probably be at the level at which you were born. It is hard to gain access to the opportunities. This is important for UM.

Social Stratification Examples in Pakistan

We have put forward three proposals on the social structure of Pakistan:

  • A class system process marked Pak society.
  • Over the years, the process of the class system has given rise to status-centric value conversion.
  • The most important sign of status-centric adjustment is the coming-out of an artificial middle part. It can be noted from the true middle part. The fake middle class has income levels equal to the real or ideal middle class.

In Pakistan, the scale of status-centric norms is greater than the pace. The result is the emergence of a new social structure, maybe larger in size than the ideal or real middle class. The newly formed social formation competes with the ideal middle class.

Social Stratification Examples in the Philippines

We should not overstated the importance of the party system in society. Through the part system, men all throughout society put about bad opinions not based on reason. Also, it forces men to give much hard work in taking part in competition with others to move forward to a higher level of living. So, they do their best to get respect from the public, well in connection with having a better living in order to come out on top over others. Having knowledge of the system may help man in making adjustments to his grouping circumstances. It may also have a force of meeting blow on the growth of man’s mean quality example of living. It also contributes to money progress in a group and the creation of a happy and safe society.

The class system is quite visible in the PH. The class system may be seen anywhere and everywhere. Sometimes you don’t see it, but when you look closely at something or a circumstance, you can see it. Today, GOVT officials’ influence is increasingly visible in public. Sometimes, in order to avoid a penalty for a trivial traffic infringement, they will use the name of a well-known politician. When it comes to riches, they generally use it to do them a favor and prioritize them. In the case of study, most people look at the person at the school or university rather than at the info they have.


High class people offered greater opportunities to the people with bright skin, who are tall and handsome. These are some of the basic things that the law says that all citizens are equal is not correct since people are not equal in the basic sense. And these are the reasons why we deserve and want more progress in our lives. The Filipinos are acutely aware of the SES class to which they belong. We don’t want to be inferior to others, therefore we’re looking for ways to become more famous. So, we are constantly looking for opportunities for growth. We get that by being in a higher social class.

The Filipino population today is in the middle class and just a few are in the upper class. But we can sense the impact of those few in the upper class on our daily lives. This is how severe the SES system is, and how visible it is even in the house of God or in the churches. Even if the social system is clear in our daily lives, do not forget that in God’s eyes we are all equal. He gives us equal priority. But don’t get too hung up on where you are right now. Put out an attempt to better your life.

Social Stratification Examples in real life

Distinct groups have different factors that mark the system. In most groups, the system is an economic structure based on wealth, which is the net worth of a person’s money and assets, and income, which is a person’s salary or investment profits. While people are frequently classified as affluent or poor, other crucial aspects impact their social position. Wisdom and charm, for example, are treasured in some cultures, and those who possess them are esteemed more than those who do not. In some societies, the elderly are revered; in others, they are scorned or ignored. Cultural attitudes in societies sometimes exacerbate social inequities.

The social position of our parents is an important indicator of our social standing. Parents often pass on their social standing to their offspring. People inherit not just their social status, but also the cultural standards that go with a certain way of life. They distribute these to a network of friends and relatives. Social status becomes a safe haven, a way of life, and an identity. This is one of the reasons why first-generation college students do worse than other students.

Other influences can be discovered in the occupational organization of a society. Teachers, for example, frequently have advanced degrees but are paid very little. Many people feel that teaching is a noble vocation, and that instructors should do their work for the love of the profession and the benefit of their pupils, not for financial gain. However, in the business world, where earnings are prized as a driving factor, no successful CEO or entrepreneur would adopt that approach. These kinds of cultural attitudes and ideas both encourage and sustain SES inequities.

Social Stratification Examples

Wesley’s parents both have advanced degrees and high-paying careers. Wesley is the son of a cardiologist and a lawyer. They sign Wesley up for extracurricular activities like soccer and piano lessons. Wesley’s parents pay private school fees to ensure that he obtains the best education available. He meets with a private tutor twice a week to help him study and earn the greatest marks possible. Wesley lives in a wonderful house with plenty of space in an upscale suburban neighborhood.

Sarah is the daughter of a single mother who works two jobs to make ends meet: one at a neighborhood café and one at a nearby grocery. Sarah’s school is in an impoverished district with few resources to assist youth achieve. Sarah spends the most of her after-school time alone since her mother cannot afford to enroll her in extracurricular activities. She lives in a tiny one-bedroom apartment in a disadvantaged area with high crime rates.

These situations demonstrate a variety of key aspects of people from various social classes in contemporary society. To begin, Wesley and Sarah have quite different educational options. Because his parents can afford a private school and private tutoring, Wesley will receive a better education. Wesley and Sarah’s parents have various levels of economic and social status. Wesley’s parents’ occupations are considered more prestigious in our culture than Sarah’s mother’s job.


Technically, social class in the US is an open system, which means that anybody may advance through the ranks. In practice, however, this is not very common. Sarah and Wesley are likely to end up in the same social class as their parents. The system of your parents is the strongest indicator of where you’ll end up. However, if Sarah is able to move up the social ladder, this would be termed intergenerational mobility.

Social Stratification Examples in schools

A boy or girl from upper or upper middle class is more likely to attend school or university than a boy or girl from working class (SC, ST). The study level system gives common points to the keeping in use of social and goods/money making being just action through ages. These class changes can be increased by allotment of study level, as money plays a great part in helping this contrast. Of course, this is not the sole path to SM; class, cultural and familial background, parental and other support, and so on are all main factors. But a lack of study is certain to be a great barrier in mobility.

According to a 1974 research done under the backing of the ICSSR, illiteracy creates change and SM. Much more research in this sector supports the idea that study is a great tool for equality. So, this is a great tool for achieving UM, it is lacking to everybody. Most countries, including India, need students to complete getting through a test in order to be admitted to different lines. This is the SM.

Second, only those students will be able to receive as much education as they are willing and able to pay for. The expenses of staying in school are substantial since kids are more dependent on their family and lose years of earning.

Social Stratification Examples School

Education is not readily giving approval to supporting this system. Schools, like other grouping places, give signs of and occasionally make come about systems. The schools that youth give attention to can have a key force of meeting blow on their future chances. People accepted in good places those who attend P and S school. Also they gave higher paying jobs.

Some scholars argue that schools favor upper and middle class youth. SES status clearly stratified these schools. The upper class youth go to the best private schools. But students from low-income families go to GOVT schools. According to this viewpoint, society is based on an unequal class. A conflict of interests between the rich and poor youth marked this. These childs are from lower class and castes (SCs, STs, and OBCs). They are much less likely to attend private schools that provide better opportunities for a good career.

Social Stratification Examples today

Social Stratification Examples Universal

The system is proper to almost all past and present human groups. A group’s club carries with it an orderly structure that includes ranks. The wall of society is thus a mark of human nature or conduct as a whole. It is the result of structural distinctions that mark each solo as a component of the whole.

Social Stratification Examples Gender

Contrasting between men and women is a basic way of all systems. In some countries, people treated women differently from men in terms of rights and duties. The degree of freedom and expression to the world outside the family is decided by the way of thinking and culture of all good people in the world. So, women from diff social layers cling to different compacts. So, anyway of these systems changing inside, gender plays a main role in deciding the parts of a special layer.

Social Stratification Examples Inequality

Individuals do not receive the same benefits and opportunities as equal members of society. Different prizes and compensation indicate who receives what and how quickly. Status and prestige are two characteristics of any stratified society that create inequality among its members. The affluent and wealthy have several benefits and advantages. Intellectuals are revered for their abilities. Individuals who gain a higher social position in the hierarchy (whether via legitimate or unfair methods) face uneven treatment.

Social Stratification Examples Poverty

Excess money or resources left with people serve as the foundation for any future economic order or system. The lower base of the pyramid is related to poverty and the greatest number of people. Despite the fact that there are various ways to categorize people, the wealth or income of the society is the only criterion that has persisted from the days of barter trading to the present day of paper currency. However, income is the greatest method to assess a country’s production. As a result, an objective system is formed, which produces data on the entire population.

Social Stratification Examples Mobility

The ability of an individual to move across different layers of society determines social mobility. Vertical mobility refers to a shift in a person’s social standing in terms of class or status. When a typical industrial employee advances to the top management of the industry, his standing changes, demonstrating upward mobility. These systems are classed as open or closed based on how much mobility they enable. The Indian caste system does not allow people to move between vertical layers or caste structures (that is, an ascribed position) throughout the social hierarchy, making it a closed system. On the contrary, a class system is an open system that allows for vertical and horizontal mobility.

Status can be attained or bestowed. Ascribed status is described as a person’s social position as a result of his or her birth (as in the case of caste), gender, race, inherited riches, and so on. Ascriptive processes define an individual’s social position or even lifestyle. Though it is not uncommon in old communities, in modern countries, social rank or position is seen to be obtained via achievements and behavior.

Some frequently asked questions

What is stratification? Give an example?

This is the process of marking data, people, or objects into diff levels. For example, you may divide “All people in the US” into ethnic and SES groupings.

What is the meaning of the class system?

A class system is a mark of persons or groups of people within a society. However, the word came by the first sociologists as something more than the nearly inequities that present in all but the most simple groups.

What is SS in the US?

In the US, people are not issued a fair chance. People do not have equal access to resources, such as the top schools or neighborhoods. Also, everyone’s life prospects are not equal. A class system splits a society into some layers. People who live in the same stratum belong to the same social class. Class refers to a person’s money, study level and level of power. In the US, there are three classes: working class, middle class, and upper class. People from the same class have relative access to money, study level and power.

What are some examples of global systems?

The US, the UK, and Japan are three examples. Although these countries have a large number of poor people, the most of the poor enjoy a higher level of life than the poorest countries. Most of the world’s countries, around 42 percent are middle-income.

How does the class system occur in our family?

The impact of parental vocational self-direction on parental values is mostly influenced by the class system. Although the values of parents and youth may be connected, the major influences are from parents’ values to youth’s values.

What is SM?

Social system is the wall of society into levels. People stacked that one on top of the other. Class system is the ranks of people of a community into separate classes, castes based on habits. These are such as income, wealth, rank, vocation, or even race. SOC adopted the concept of this topic from the discipline of GEOG. This is the study of different levels of the earth. In GEOG, all layers of the Earth are the same. But in SOC, we can see rights and advantages are not equal across social layers.

To begin with, understand the term of this topic, which refers to layers. So, the class system refers to the layers that exist in our society. Any group has many layers based on race, caste, class, gender, and religion. The multiple classes that exist in any society are an example of a class system. These are upper class, middle class, and lower class.

What is an example of social class?

Today, concepts of social class frequently assume three broad economic categories. They are a wealthy and powerful upper class that owns and controls the means of production; a middle class of professional workers, small business owners, and low-level managers; and a lower class that relies on low-wage jobs and lives in poverty.

Who benefits from the class system?

The class system motivates people to get jobs since various social statuses provide different possibilities and pay. Higher jobs also provide better circumstances and positions. People are continually striving for a greater status in society.

What is the role of education in the class system?

Education is critical to upholding this system and rationalizing the uneven distribution of wealth. Schools, like other social structures, reflect and occasionally induce systems. The schools that youth attend can have a significant impact on their future opportunities.

How does the class system affect your life as a student?

It has an impact on people’s lives, lifestyles, and prestige. Because lower social layers have uneven access to riches, power, and status, it causes mental tension and sadness.

What causes the social system?

Sociologists believe that SES class, color, gender, sexuality, country, and, in some cases, religion all impact the system.