6 Things Educational Institutions Can Do To Help Struggling Students

Being a student in any type of educational institution can be quite difficult, regardless of the level of education. Whether you’re attending a traditional school or college, an online distance learning program, or completing some other type of training program, there are many challenges associated with studying and mastering new material. Unfortunately for many students – especially those facing financial challenges and other barriers to success – these struggles can seem overwhelming. With that said, however, by making a few effective changes, educational institutions can go above and beyond to create an environment that best suits the needs of every individual learner; here are four things they should consider doing right away!

Things Educational Institutions Can Do To Help Struggling Students 

1. Implement FAFSA Simplification

The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) process can be complex and intimidating for many students and families. Simplifying this procedure could make a substantial difference in making higher education more accessible to all, especially those coming from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Educational institutions can play a significant role by providing clear guidance on FAFSA Simplification and offering resources to help students understand the process. By doing so, they can reduce the barriers to federal financial aid, making it easier for every student to access the funds they need to pursue their educational goals. Streamlining the FAFSA process involves not only reducing the complexity of the application but also making the eligibility criteria more clear. Often, students and families are deterred from applying due to a lack of understanding about who qualifies for federal aid. Schools can address this by offering informational sessions and creating resources that clearly outline the eligibility requirements. 

Additionally, interactive tools could be developed to guide students through the application, explaining each section in simple language. Institutions could also offer personalized assistance for students who need further help in filling out the application. This might include one-on-one meetings with a financial aid counselor or scheduled clinics where students and families can complete the FAFSA with professional guidance. By simplifying the FAFSA process, we can ensure that more students have the financial support necessary to pursue higher education.

2. Increase mental health resources

Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and it’s essential that students have easy access to resources that can help them manage their mental health. Unfortunately, many students struggle to access the support and services they need, often due to lack of availability or cost. It’s critical that we work to increase both the quantity and availability of mental health resources on campus, making it easier for students to get the help they need to manage the stresses of academic life. Whether it’s through more counselors, mental health clinics, or online resources, we owe it to our students to ensure that mental health support is as accessible as possible.

3. Offer flexible class schedules

As higher education becomes more accessible than ever, universities and colleges are better recognizing the diverse realities of their student populations. Working adults, parents with children, and individuals with varying schedules are no longer sidelined as an educational demographic. And so, higher education institutions have begun adapting their curriculum to accommodate this changing landscape, namely through flexible class schedules. These schedules can include online classes, night classes, weekend classes, and hybrid coursework. By doing this, universities are helping ensure that working and non-traditional students have greater access to higher education, all the while promoting a more inclusive and diverse learning environment.

4. Provide academic advising

Choosing the right courses to take can be overwhelming, but academic advising and support services make it much easier. These resources help students understand the requirements for their degree program and navigate the many options available. Academic advisors can provide personalized guidance to ensure that students select the courses that will best align with their interests, goals, and career aspirations. In addition, support services can help students develop effective study habits, manage their time, and overcome any obstacles that may arise during their academic journey. With the help of these resources, students can feel confident that they are on the right track toward achieving their academic and professional goals.

Provide academic advising

5. Create a mentorship program 

A mentorship program that connects struggling students with successful peers or professionals can enhance the learning experience and propel their future success. With tailored support from individuals who have already navigated the challenges of the field, struggling students can obtain guidance on developing key skills, such as critical thinking and professionalism. The mentorship program promotes mutual growth through a continuous cycle of feedback, goal-setting, and problem-solving. The program also benefits institutions by fostering a culture of dialogue and creating a supportive community where students can thrive. A mentorship program creates a win-win situation for all parties involved and has the potential to change the trajectory of many students’ academic journeys. Also Read – 10 Tips For Increasing Your Chances Of Getting Into A Professional School

6. Create an online platform

In a world where education is paramount to success, having access to quality educational resources is crucial. With the growing demand for online learning, creating a platform where students can access tutoring, workshops, and educational materials is now more necessary than ever. This platform can provide students with interactive learning experiences regardless of their location or time constraints. It can also offer personalized tutoring and workshops to help students excel in their studies. The potential benefits of this platform are endless, paving the way for a more accessible and inclusive education system.

Ultimately, college life is complex and can be overwhelming, but schools have the means to make it easier by offering more resources that help students succeed.  Firstly, implementing FAFSA simplification not only democratizes access to financial aid, making higher education more affordable for economically disadvantaged students but also encourages a wider pool of students to pursue their academic dreams. Moreover, from increasing mental health resources to offering flexible classes to providing academic advising, there are a number of actions schools can take to ease the everyday stress for all students. Creating a mentorship program along with an online platform that offers tutoring and workshops also shows commitment to helping students meet their educational objectives. All of these solutions greatly promote student well-being and success, which ultimately leads to a better overall college experience.

About the Author: sam

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